【同义词辨析】 2020-03-27 欺骗dupe-hoax

dupe: suggests unwariness in the person deluded: ~d us into buying a lemon of a car.  wary警觉警惕小心emphasizes suspiciousness and alertness in watching for danger and in escaping it对危险保持警觉,如be wary of those claiming to have all the answers小心那些声称知道所有答案的人,如people did not teach their children to be wary of strangers过去人们不会教育孩子提防陌生人,如bankers are keeping a wary eye on the outcome银行家们对结果保持高度警惕)  delude完全受骗implies a deceiving so thorough as to make one a fool, or make one unable to distinguish the false from the true以致被愚弄,无法辨别是非,如we were deluded into thinking we were safe我们被完全欺骗了,还以为自己安全。强调 thorough完全

gull: stresses credulousness or readiness to be imposed on or made a fool of: you are so easily ~ed by these contest promoters.   credulous轻信的, 易受骗的implies too great a readiness to believe things过于容易相信,如Mary is so credulous that she may readily accept any excuse you make玛丽很轻信,你随便找个借口她都可以相信,如you must be credulous if she fooled you with that story连她那种话都能把你骗倒,你一定是太容易相信别人了。来自词根CRED相信to believe)

trick: implies an intent, not always vicious, to delude by means of a ruse or fraud: special effects can ~ moviegoers into believing anything.   这里的trick表示戏法把戏a skillful act performed for entertainment or amusement    (ruse计策花招stresses an attempt to mislead by giving false impression强调给人虚假印象,如secured a papal audience through a clever ruse用了一个小计策,获得教皇接见,如it is now clear that this was a ruse to divide them这是一个离间他们的诡计)   fraud有3个意思:欺诈;小骗术小骗局;骗子 1、通常指诈骗犯罪,如charged with fraud被控欺诈, he was convicted of fraud他被判定犯有诈骗罪 2、小骗局小虚假implies deliberate perversion of truth,but may imply no more than pretense and hypocrisy故意曲解事实,可能只是虚伪假装,如a diary that was exposed as a fraud日记被揭露是个小骗局 3、骗子a person who deceives,如the salesman was a fraud销售员是个骗子,如she discovered he was a fraud她发现他是骗子

hoax: implies the contriving of an elaborate or adroit imposture in order to deceive: ~ed the public by broadcasting news of a Martian invasion.  contrive计划设计implies ingenuity or cleverness in planning, designing or scheming,如contrived a way of helping them without their knowing it设计出一种帮助他们,又不让他们知道的办法) elaborate有2个意思 1、详细详尽详述 2、精心设计的复杂的周密的    imposture骗局、冒名行骗to deceive people by pretending to be someone else,如this last imposture would be worse than the first那最后的骗局就比先前的更坏了     川普总统喜欢这个词,他之前说climate change气候变化是民主党的hoax骗局,前一阵说新冠COVID-19也是民主党的hoax骗局

dupe欺骗: 表示受骗的人不警觉不小心,gull欺骗愚弄,鸥: 表示轻信,容易被愚弄欺骗,trick欺骗花招: 使用花招骗术,hoax骗局恶作剧: 指精心设计冒名行骗

记忆方法: 1)首字母DGTH共同的活<=欺骗          ""的意思是使用手段引人,本义是"引导教导劝导",从言秀声。<广韵>: "诱,引也",如诱导引诱利诱诱惑循循善诱诱敌诱骗,如荀子的"不诱于誉,不恐于诽"

        2)欺骗的意思使用不诚实的手段使人上当受骗mean to deceive by underhanded means for one's own ends.   "上当",指中了别人的奸计圈套而受骗。上当的原意是到当铺去典当东西,当铺剥削和坑害人的手段很多,如压低成色,当票潦草难认,利息极高;上当铺去的多是穷苦人家,或者是突遭变故急需用钱的人,不得不去挨宰遭坑害;由于以上两个原因,后来"上当"与"受骗"在俗语中成了同义词。